hair oil for hair growth oil uk

Hair oil for hair growth oil UK has been celebrated for centuries as a remedy for various hair concerns, and it’s gaining significant popularity in the UK for promoting hair growth. Whether you’re battling thinning hair or simply looking to boost your locks, understanding the best hair oils can make all the difference. This comprehensive guide will explore the top hair oils for growth available in the UK, their benefits, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Understanding Hair Growth

What is Hair Growth?

Hair growth is a natural process that involves the regeneration of hair follicles. Hair grows in cycles, including the anagen (growth), catagen (transitional), and telogen (resting) phases. For optimal growth, hair follicles need adequate nourishment, which is where hair oil comes into play.

How Hair Oil Affects Hair Growth

Hair oils nourish the scalp and hair follicles, providing essential nutrients that support healthy hair growth. They improve blood circulation in the scalp, strengthen hair roots, and prevent dryness. Regular application can lead to fuller, healthier hair.

Why Hair Oil for Hair Growth?

Hair oils have been used for centuries across various cultures to nourish and strengthen hair. The effectiveness of hair oil in promoting growth is attributed to its ability to:

  • Nourish the Scalp: Hair oils provide essential nutrients that can help improve the health of the scalp, which is crucial for hair growth.
  • Increase Blood Circulation: Massaging oil into the scalp can stimulate blood flow, which encourages hair follicles to grow stronger.
  • Moisturise and Strengthen Hair: Oils help to lock in moisture and prevent hair from becoming brittle, which reduces breakage and promotes overall growth.

Benefits of Hair Oil for Hair Growth


Hair oils are excellent moisturizers that prevent hair from becoming dry and brittle. Dry hair is more prone to breakage and damage, which can hinder growth. Oils like coconut and argan help maintain moisture levels, promoting healthier hair growth.

Scalp Health

A healthy scalp is crucial for hair growth. Hair oils can help balance the scalp’s natural oils, reduce dandruff, and prevent inflammation. Ingredients like tea tree oil and rosemary oil are known for their scalp-soothing properties.

Hair Strength

Strong hair is less likely to break or fall out. Oils like castor oil are rich in fatty acids and proteins that strengthen hair shafts and reduce breakage, aiding in overall growth.

Popular Hair Oils for Growth in the UK

Coconut Oil

hair oil for hair growth oil uk

Coconut oil is a staple in many households for a reason. It penetrates the hair shaft, providing deep conditioning and reducing protein loss. Its lauric acid content makes it effective against hair damage and breakage.

Argan Oil

hair oil for hair growth oil uk

Often referred to as “liquid gold,” argan oil is packed with vitamins A, E, and essential fatty acids. It helps to moisturize and soften hair while improving elasticity and shine.

Jojoba Oil

hair oil for hair growth oil uk

Jojoba oil closely resembles the natural oils produced by our scalp, making it an excellent choice for maintaining balance. It helps to unclog hair follicles and supports healthy hair growth.

Castor Oil

hair oil for hair growth oil uk

Castor oil is renowned for its ability to stimulate hair growth. It contains ricinoleic acid, which enhances blood flow to the scalp and improves hair thickness and strength.

Rosemary Oil

hair oil for hair growth oil uk

Rosemary oil is known for its ability to increase circulation in the scalp, which can lead to improved hair growth. It also has antioxidant properties that combat oxidative stress.

How to Choose the Right Hair Oil

Assessing Your Hair Type

Understanding your hair type is crucial in choosing the right oil. For dry or damaged hair, opt for heavier oils like coconut or castor oil. For oily or fine hair, lighter oils like jojoba or argan oil are more suitable.

Identifying Your Specific Needs

If you’re dealing with hair loss, oils with stimulating properties, such as rosemary or castor oil, may be beneficial. For moisturizing and shine, consider argan or coconut oil.

Checking for Allergies

Always perform a patch test before using a new oil to ensure you don’t have an allergic reaction. This is especially important for oils with potent ingredients like essential oils.

How to Apply Hair Oil Effectively

Pre-Wash Treatment

Applying hair oil before washing your hair can help to protect it from the harsh effects of shampoo. Massage the oil into your scalp and hair, leave it on for at least 30 minutes, then wash it out.

Overnight Treatment

For deeper conditioning, apply oil to your hair before bed and leave it on overnight. Cover your hair with a shower cap or towel to avoid staining your pillow.

Scalp Massage Techniques

Massaging the oil into your scalp can improve circulation and enhance its effectiveness. Use your fingertips to gently rub the oil in circular motions.

Hair Oil For Hair Growth Oil Uk: DIY Hair Oil Blends

Coconut and Argan Oil Blend

Combine equal parts coconut and argan oil for a moisturizing and strengthening blend. This mix can be used as a pre-wash treatment or overnight conditioner.

Castor and Rosemary Oil Blend

Mix castor oil with a few drops of rosemary oil to create a stimulating blend that promotes hair growth. Apply it to your scalp and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing.

Jojoba and Tea Tree Oil Blend

A blend of jojoba oil and tea tree oil helps to balance the scalp and combat dandruff. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to jojoba oil for a refreshing scalp treatment.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overuse of Oil

Using too much oil can weigh your hair down and make it greasy. Stick to a moderate amount and adjust based on your hair type and needs.

Using the Wrong Oil for Your Hair Type

Not all oils are created equal. Choosing an oil that doesn’t suit your hair type can lead to less effective results or even exacerbate issues.

Neglecting Scalp Care

Focusing solely on hair ends while neglecting the scalp can hinder hair growth. Ensure you also address scalp health in your routine.

Additional Tips for Hair Growth

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports overall hair health. Incorporate foods high in protein, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids into your diet.

Proper Hair Care Routine

Adopt a hair care routine that includes regular washing, conditioning, and minimal heat styling to maintain hair health and growth.

Avoiding Heat Damage

Limit the use of heat styling tools, which can cause damage and breakage. When using them, always apply a heat protectant.

Healthy Hair Growth

Healthy hair growth requires a holistic approach that encompasses proper nutrition, gentle hair care practices, and overall wellness. By following these tips, you can create a conducive environment for your hair to grow strong and vibrant. Remember, patience is key—healthy hair growth takes time, and consistent care will yield the best results.

1. Maintain a Balanced Diet

A well-rounded diet is crucial for healthy hair growth. Your hair needs essential nutrients to thrive, including:

  • Protein: Hair is made primarily of protein, so consuming adequate protein is vital. Include lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes in your diet.
  • Vitamins: Vitamins such as A, C, D, and E play key roles in hair health. Vitamin A supports cell growth, while vitamin C aids in collagen production. Vitamin D can help stimulate hair follicles, and vitamin E acts as an antioxidant.
  • Minerals: Zinc and iron are important for hair growth. Zinc supports the function of hair follicles, and iron helps to carry oxygen to your hair cells.

2. Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your hair hydrated from the inside out, preventing dryness and brittleness.

3. Use Gentle Hair Care Products

Choose hair care products that are suitable for your hair type and free from harsh chemicals. Look for shampoos and conditioners with natural ingredients that nourish the scalp and hair. Avoid products with sulfates and parabens that can strip your hair of its natural oils.

4. Avoid Heat Damage

Excessive use of heat styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can damage your hair and lead to breakage. When using these tools, apply a heat protectant spray and use them on the lowest effective heat setting. Whenever possible, let your hair air-dry and embrace your natural texture.

5. Be Gentle with Your Hair

Handle your hair with care to prevent damage. Avoid vigorous towel-drying and instead, gently pat your hair dry. Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle wet hair, as wet hair is more susceptible to breakage.

6. Trim Regularly

Regular trims are essential for maintaining healthy hair. Cutting off split ends and damaged sections helps to prevent further breakage and promotes overall hair health. Aim for a trim every 6-8 weeks.

7. Scalp Care

A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair growth. Regularly massage your scalp to stimulate blood circulation and encourage hair follicles to grow. Consider using scalp treatments or oils, such as coconut or argan oil, to nourish and hydrate the scalp.

8. Reduce Stress

Stress can negatively impact hair growth and contribute to hair loss. Practice stress-reducing activities like exercise, meditation, or yoga to help manage stress levels and promote overall well-being.

9. Avoid Tight Hairstyles

Wearing tight hairstyles like ponytails, braids, or buns can put excessive stress on your hair and lead to traction alopecia. Opt for looser hairstyles and avoid using elastic bands that can cause breakage.

10. Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for overall health, including hair health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your body’s natural repair processes and promote healthy hair growth.

11. Supplement Wisely

If you have specific nutritional deficiencies, consider taking supplements to support hair growth. Consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements to ensure they are appropriate for your needs. Common supplements for hair health include biotin, collagen, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Incorporating hair oil into your routine can significantly boost your hair growth journey. By selecting the right oil for your hair type, applying it correctly, and avoiding common mistakes, you can achieve healthier, stronger hair. Remember, consistency is key, and complementing your hair oil treatment with a balanced diet and proper hair care will yield the best results.



1. How often should I use hair oil for best results?

For most hair types, using hair oil 1-2 times a week is sufficient. Adjust based on your hair’s needs and response.

2. Can hair oil make my hair greasy?

Using too much oil can make hair greasy. Apply a small amount and adjust as needed based on your hair type.

3. Is it necessary to wash out hair oil after application?

While some people leave hair oil on overnight, others may prefer to wash it out after a few hours. It depends on your hair type and preference.

4. Can I mix different types of hair oil?

Yes, mixing different oils can provide a range of benefits. Just ensure that the oils are compatible with your hair type and needs.

5. Are there any side effects of using hair oil?

Hair oil is generally safe, but some people may experience allergic reactions. Always perform a patch test before full application.