Are you tired of having dry, lifeless hair that just won’t cooperate, no matter what you do? The 360 Optimum Hair Cleanse + Repair + Stimulate + Nutrition Bundle is here to save the day! This innovative hair care system is designed to address all of your hair care needs, from cleansing and repairing to stimulating growth and providing much-needed nutrition.



The bundle includes four different products that work together to give you the best possible hair care experience. The first step is the Hair Cleanse Shampoo, which gently removes dirt and buildup from your scalp and hair, leaving it clean and fresh. The Repair Hair Mask is the second step in the system, which deeply nourishes and repairs damaged hair, leaving it soft, smooth, and healthy.



The third step is the Hair Stimulate Conditioner, which contains powerful ingredients that help stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. It also moisturizes and conditions the hair, leaving it soft, shiny, and manageable.



Finally, the Hair Nutrition Oil is the last step, which is a blend of natural oils that nourish and protect the hair. It also adds shine and helps control frizz, leaving your hair looking healthy and vibrant.



What sets this bundle apart from other hair care products on the market?



is that it’s formulated with natural ingredients that are safe, gentle, and effective. The 360 Optimum Hair Cleanse + Repair + Stimulate + Nutrition Bundle is free from harsh chemicals, sulfates, and parabens, making it suitable for all hair types, including color-treated hair.



If you’re looking for an all-in-one hair care solution that will leave your hair looking and feeling its best, the 360 Optimum Hair Cleanse + Repair + Stimulate + Nutrition Bundle is definitely worth a try. Give it a chance, and you’ll be amazed at the transformation in your hair!



What vitamins are good for hair growth?

360 Optimum Hair Cleanse + Repair + Stimulate + Nutrition Bundle

Specific vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are especially important for your overall health and also play a key role in providing your body with the energy needed for hair growth. These nutrients can include: Some studies have found lower levels of vitamin D, folate, and zinc in people with the autoimmune hair-loss condition alopecia areata.



Unlocking the Secrets of Hair Growth



Hair growth is the process by which hair follicles produce new hair cells, leading to the growth of longer and thicker hair strands. Hair growth is a natural process that occurs in cycles, consisting of three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. During the anagen phase, the hair follicle is active, and new hair growth occurs. In the catagen phase, the hair follicle begins to shrink and detach from the dermal papilla, which is the structure that supplies nutrients to the hair follicle. Finally, in the telogen phase, the hair follicle rests and the old hair falls out, making way for new hair growth to begin again. Several factors, such as genetics, age, nutrition, and overall health, can influence hair growth and the duration of each phase.



Hair Growth Cycle



Hair follicles have three distinctive phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen phase.



Anagen is the growth phase and approximately 85% of all hairs are in the growing phase at any one time. Melanin is made in the hair bulb throughout this phase.



Catagen is the transition phase and the hair stops growing and becomes detached from the base of the follicle. The hair bulb begins to break down, resulting in the follicle becoming shorter. On average, 1% of follicles are in the catagen stage.



Telogen is the resting phase and during this phase the hair does not grow but stays attached to the follicle. Approximately 10–15% of all hair is in this phase at any one time. At the end of the telogen phase, the hair follicle reenters the Anagen phase and a new hair begins to form.



Hair Follicles



Hairs are typically classified as terminal (thicker than 0.06 mm in diameter), vellus (less than 0.03 mm in diameter), or indeterminate. All follicles, regardless of size, progress through three phases in a repeating cycle. The anagen phase is the longest, lasting up to 7 years, and is the phase in which the hair actively grows. This is followed by the brief catagen phase, which marks the transition into the telogen phase, which lasts about 100 days, and ends with the hair being shed. The follicle is divided into four zones, which includes (from deep to superficial), the lower transient segment (hair bulb and stem) and the upper permanent segment (isthmus and infundibulum) (Fig. I-14).



Anagen Phase



The anagen hair follicle consists of several layers. Starting with the hair shaft, it is composed of the medulla (center of the shaft), cortex (bulk of the shaft), and the cuticle. The inner root sheath (IRS) also can be subdivided into three layers, the IRS cuticle, Huxley’s, and outer Henle’s layers. The last and outermost layers of the follicle include the vitreous, or glassy, layer; and finally the fibrous root sheath.



The hair bulb, located in the subcutis or deep dermis, consists of the dermal papilla, surrounded by the basophilic hair matrix, which constitutes the germinative cells of the hair (Fig. I-15). The papilla is of dermal origin and connects via a stalk to the fibrous root sheath. The seven layers of the anagen follicle are not evident in the bulb, but come into being just superior to the bulb in the suprabulbar zone. The superficial edge of this zone is marked by the insertion point of the arrector pili muscle, a vestigial organ consisting of a bundle of smooth muscle fibers. Its insertion point also marks the location of the bulge, a structure that is now believed to be the site of skin stem cells. Above the bulge is the isthmus, which extends up to the insertion point of the sebaceous duct. It is in the isthmus that the inner root sheath disappears, leaving a gap between the hair shaft and the external root sheath, which begins to cornify without the presence of a granular cell layer (Fig. I-16). Above the sebaceous duct lies the infundibulum, which resembles normal epidermis in that a granular cell layer is present.



Catagen Phase



At the end of the anagen phase the anatomy of the hair shaft undergoes certain changes: The hair matrix disappears, and is replaced by a thin rim of epithelial cells with pyknotic nuclei that undergo apoptosis. The hair (although not the papilla) gradually ascends to the level of the bulge, leaving behind it a collapsed fibrous root sheath called the stela or streamer. At this point the hair is called a club hair, after the shape of its root.



Telogen Phase



In telogen, the papilla ascends to the level of the bulge and now consists of an asterisk-shaped group of ovoid cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm. The hair continues cornifying and is shed; a new group of cells from the bulge descend into the fibrous root sheath to form a new anagen hair.



If you’re looking to promote hair growth, there are several things you can do:



    1. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet rich in protein, iron, and vitamins and minerals that support hair growth, such as vitamin C, biotin, and zinc.

    1. Use hair care products that are specifically formulated to promote hair growth, such as those containing caffeine or biotin.

    1. Massage your scalp regularly to increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth.

    1. Avoid tight hairstyles and excessive heat and chemical treatments that can damage the hair and inhibit growth.

    1. Take supplements, such as biotin or collagen, that are known to promote hair growth.

    1. Manage stress and practice stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation, which can help reduce hair loss due to stress.

    1. Consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying health conditions that may be contributing to hair loss.



Remember, promoting hair growth takes time and patience, and results may vary depending on individual factors such as genetics, age, and overall health. With consistent effort and a healthy lifestyle, however, you can improve the health and quality of your hair and promote natural hair growth.



What is Hair Loss?



Hair loss is the partial or complete loss of hair from the scalp or other parts of the body. It can occur due to a variety of reasons, including genetics, aging, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, stress, illness, medications, and certain medical treatments. Hair loss can manifest in different ways, from thinning hair and receding hairline to bald patches and complete baldness. In men, hair loss is often due to male pattern baldness, while in women, it may be caused by hormonal changes, pregnancy, or menopause. Hair loss can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and overall quality of life. While some types of hair loss are temporary and reversible, others may be permanent and require more intensive treatment.



There are several causes of hair loss, including:



    1. Genetics: Male and female pattern baldness is largely determined by genetic factors.

    1. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid problems can cause hair loss.

    1. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions such as alopecia areata, ringworm, and scalp infections can cause hair loss.

    1. Medications: Certain medications such as chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, and blood thinners can cause temporary hair loss.

    1. Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, and protein can cause hair loss.

    1. Stress: Physical or emotional stress can cause hair loss.

    1. Hairstyles and treatments: Tight hairstyles, chemical treatments, and excessive heat can damage the hair and cause hair loss.

    1. Aging: Hair naturally thins and falls out as we age.



It’s essential to identify the underlying cause of hair loss to determine the most effective treatment strategy. A doctor or dermatologist can help diagnose the cause of hair loss and recommend the appropriate treatment.



How to Avoid Hair Loss?



While not all types of hair loss can be prevented, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of hair loss and keep your hair healthy:



    1. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet rich in protein, iron, and vitamins and minerals.

    1. Avoid tight hairstyles and excessive heat and chemical treatments.

    1. Be gentle with your hair when combing or brushing, and avoid pulling or tugging.

    1. Manage stress and practice stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation.

    1. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

    1. Use gentle and natural hair care products that are free from harsh chemicals.

    1. Take care of your scalp by keeping it clean and avoiding scratching or picking.

    1. Consult with a healthcare provider if you notice sudden or excessive hair loss.



Remember, hair loss is a natural part of the hair growth cycle, and it’s normal to lose some hair every day. However, if you notice a sudden increase in hair loss, it’s important to seek medical attention to rule out any underlying health conditions.



Hair loss prevention tips



If you have an underlying medical condition, such as alopecia areata, getting the correct treatments from your doctor may help with hair loss.



But, if a doctor doesn’t believe your hair loss is related to a medical cause, there may be steps you can take to help prevent future hair loss. Consider the following:



Try to eat a balanced diet



Hair loss may be associated with a lack of micronutrients, such as iron, as well as macronutrients like protein. If you need help with meal planning, consider talking with a doctor or dietitian.



It’s also a good idea to talk with your doctor about any supplements you’re considering before you start taking them — especially multivitamins that have a combination of micronutrients, as well as fat-soluble vitamins.



If you smoke, consider quitting smoking



While you may have heard of the negative effects of smoking throughout the entire body (including your skin), smoking has also been linked to hair loss.



Overall, smoking may worsen hair loss because of its inflammatory effects in the body. ResearchersTrusted Source also believe that smoking can disrupt the growth cycle of your hairs, and even lead to color loss.



Try to reduce stress



While stress is a natural part of life, long-term stress can do damage to your health — including your hair.



ResearchersTrusted Source believe that cortisol, a stress hormone released by your adrenal glands, may disrupt your hair growth cycle.



To help manage stress, it’s important to take some time for yourself, whether it’s a meditation session or a relaxing hobby you enjoy. You may also consider talking with a therapist if you’re having a difficult time with chronic stress.



Take care of your hair



While you may be focused on reversing thinning hair, it’s also important to try to practice good hair care techniques.



Consider gentle hair products when available, and comb and brush hair only when needed. You can also place less stress on your hair by limiting the use of heated styling tools as well as tight hairstyles.



What causes thinning hair?



Thinning hair may be caused by lifestyle habits, genetics, or both. Certain medical conditions may also lead to thinning hair.



Lifestyle habits may include:



Overtreating your hair: This includes color treatments, perms, and relaxers.



Using harsh hair products: These hair products include extreme-hold hair sprays and gels.



Wearing tight hairstyles: Whether you’re wearing an updo or pulling your hair up in a ponytail for working out, this can tug on your hair and break it from the follicles, causing thin spots over time.



Not getting enough of certain nutrients in your diet: Iron, folic acid, and other minerals all help follicles produce hair naturally.



Experiencing chronic stress: Stress is related to an uptick in hormones like cortisol. Too many stress hormones can trigger a condition like telogen effluvium, where your hair can fall out and the hair follicles enter a long “resting” phase where new hair doesn’t grow.



Thinning hair may also be hereditary or from underlying medical conditions. You might have thinning hair if you:



    • recently had a baby

    • recently stopped taking birth control pills

    • are going through hormonal changes

    • lost a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time

    • are being treated for an autoimmune disease

    • have immune system deficiencies

    • have a skin disorder or infection

    • have a vitamin D deficiency



Less commonly, thinning hair may be caused by:



    • pulling at your own hair

    • eating disorders

    • a high fever



When to see a doctor for thinning hair
Although it’s common to lose hair throughout the day, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor if you’re losing more than 100 hairs per day.
You should also talk with your doctor if you’re worried about persistent hair loss or a receding hairline, or if you notice sudden patchy hair loss. Patches of hair loss could signify an underlying medical condition.
Treatments and home remedies
Some cases of thinning hair may be treatable at home. Consider the following 12 options, but be sure to talk with your doctor first.



1. Scalp massage



    • Pros: It’s affordable and accessible.

    • Cons: It doesn’t address thinning hair caused by underlying medical conditions.



Perhaps the cheapest method of trying to get thicker hair is scalp massage. It doesn’t cost anything, and if done correctly, it isn’t harmful.



When you wash your hair, gently apply pressure with your fingertips around your scalp to encourage blood flow. For even more benefits, you can try a handheld scalp massager to also remove dead skin cells.



2. Essential oils



    • Pros: Animal research suggests effectiveness and essential oils are widely available in health shops and drugstores.

    • Cons: More human studies are needed, and these oils may cause allergic reactions



Essential oils are liquids derived from certain plants, and they’re primarily used in aromatherapy and other types of alternative medicine.



Lavender oil has been used with success by some people with pattern baldness. It’s also backed by animal research from 2016 Trusted Source, though human studies are needed to confirm its effects. Lavender is often combined with other oils, such as those made from rosemary and thyme.



Still, there’s not enough evidence that essential oils can treat baldness or thinning hair. If you do decide to give this treatment a go, make sure that your essential oil is diluted in carrier oil.



Test a small amount of the oil on your arm and wait 24 hours to see if any reaction develops. Redness or other irritation, hives, or a rash could indicate an allergic reaction.



3. Anti-thinning shampoo



    • Pros: It can be combined with scalp massage, and some products are accessible over the counter.

    • Cons: Volumizing shampoos don’t address hair loss alone, and you may require a prescription.



Anti-thinning shampoo works in two ways. First, such products provide volume for your hair, so it looks thicker. This can be helpful for people who have thinning or naturally fine hair.



Shampoos for thinning hair or hair loss also contain vitamins and amino acids to promote a healthier scalp. To get the best results, use these products as directed.



You can also ask your doctor about a prescription-strength shampoo.



4. Multivitamins



    • Pros: Multivitamins can help address thinning hair caused by nutritional deficiencies, and they’re available over the counter.

    • Cons: Excess nutrients may be harmful.



Healthy hair is dependent on your overall good health. In cases of malnourishment, or with certain eating disorders, new hair may fail to generate from follicles. A blood test can help determine if you have a nutrient deficiency.



If you’re low in several key areas, your doctor might recommend a daily multivitamin. Healthy hair needs iron, folic acid, and zinc to keep growing thick and strong. Look for daily supplements for males and females that meet these criteria.



However, you should avoid taking any extra vitamins if you’re already getting the nutrients you need. There isn’t any evidence that doing so will reverse thinning hair, and getting too much of certain nutrients may actually do more harm than good.



5. Folic acid supplements



    • Pros: These supplements are available over the counter, and may treat folate deficiency.

    • Cons: There’s a lack of evidence about their effectiveness.



Folic acid is a type of vitamin B that’s important for new cell generation. A few studiesTrusted Source have suggested that folate deficiency may be associated with some types of hair loss.



But as with multivitamins, there isn’t enough evidence that folic acid is guaranteed to help make your hair thicker.



6. Biotin



    • Pros: Biotin is widely available over the counter, and may treat biotin deficiency.

    • Cons: There’s not enough evidence that it helps with thinning hair.



Biotin, or vitamin B7, is a water-soluble nutrient that’s naturally found in foods, such as nuts, lentils, and liver.



If you eat a balanced diet, it’s unlikely that you’re low in biotin. However, supplemental forms of biotin have been on the rise in recent years, thanks in part to marketers promising more energy and better hair growth with such products.



While biotin helps break down enzymes in your body, there’s little evidence that it can help with thinning hair.



You shouldn’t take biotin if you take vitamin B5 supplements. When taken together, they can reduce the efficacy of one another.



7. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids



    • Pros: These fatty acids help fight inflammation, and these supplements are available over the counter.

    • Cons: More research is needed.



Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are called essential fatty acids. This is because they can’t be made by the human body.



Omega-3 helps your body fight inflammation, an underlying cause of numerous conditions. Premature hair loss may also be related to inflammation.



Omega-6, on the other hand, is important for overall skin health, which might benefit the scalp.



Plant-based oils are primary sources of omega-6, while omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and some seeds. If you don’t normally consume such foods, talk with your doctor about taking a supplement.



8. Minoxidil



    • Pros: Minoxidil is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and it’s available over the counter.

    • Cons: Scalp irritation is possible, and you must use it continuously to maintain results.



Best known as its brand-name Rogaine, minoxidil is an over-the-counter hair loss treatment approved by the FDA.



When applied directly to the scalp twice a day, minoxidil may gradually thicken hair in balding spots. The product is available in either liquid or foam, depending on your preference.



Rogaine can take up to 16 weeks for visible results. It’s important that you use the product consistently, or you might not see results.



Scalp irritation and unwanted hair growth on the face and neck are possible side effects.



9. Spironolactone



    • Pros: Spironolactone may treat thinning hair caused by excess aldosterone hormones.

    • Cons: It’s available by prescription only, and may cause headache, dizziness, and other side effects.



Spironolactone (Aldactone) is sometimes prescribed for people who have thinning hair related to aldosterone production (hyperaldosteronism). While technically a diuretic or “water pill,” that may be prescribed for high blood pressure or edema, Aldactone is an anti-androgen, too.



In females, this medication may help treat thinning hair and subsequent hair loss related to hormonal fluctuations.



10. Finasteride



    • Pros: This is the first FDA-approved oral medication for male hair loss.

    • Cons: It’s available by prescription only, and is generally not considered for females who are pre-menopausal.



Finasteride (Propecia) is a prescription hair loss medication. Unlike topical treatments like minoxidil, Propecia comes as a daily pill that males take for hair loss.



People who are planning to become pregnant or are at an age where they may become pregnant should avoid this medication due to possible serious side effects during pregnancy. However, for postmenopausal females, studiesTrusted Source have shown that it may be an effective treatment and is frequently prescribed by some doctors.



11. Corticosteroids



    • Pros: Corticosteroids help treat inflammation and autoimmune-related hair loss.

    • Cons: It’s available by prescription only; long-term use may cause thinning skin and other side effects.



Corticosteroids are prescription treatments used for conditions linked to underlying inflammation. Sometimes, inflammatory conditions can cause a variety of symptoms, including hair loss.



One example is alopecia areata, which is an autoimmune disorder where your immune system attacks hair follicles, causing thinning hair and sudden hair loss. Depending on the severity, hair loss may be mild or patchy, or more significant.



Prescription corticosteroids may help in these cases by controlling inflammation directly at the source: your hair follicles. Depending on the severity of hair loss, corticosteroids may be applied either topically or injected directly into the scalp by a dermatologist every 4 to 8 weeks.



12. At-home laser therapy



    • Pros: It’s available without a prescription, and can be used easily at home.

    • Cons: At-home laser therapy can be pricey, and it may also take several months to work.



Laser therapy is typically used by dermatologists and other skin specialists. The FDA has cleared the way for some products to be used at home.



At-home laser therapy for hair is intended to help regrow your hair while also making it thicker. The results can take several months to take effect.



The biggest drawback of at-home laser therapy is the cost. Some machines are sold for hundreds of dollars, and they may not work. Talk with your doctor before making a large investment.



If you’re looking for healthy hair growth tips, here are some of the best practices you can follow:



    1. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet rich in protein, iron, and vitamins and minerals that support hair growth, such as vitamin C, biotin, and zinc.

    1. Keep your scalp clean and free of excess oil and buildup by washing your hair regularly with a gentle shampoo and conditioner.

    1. Massage your scalp regularly to increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth.

    1. Avoid tight hairstyles and excessive heat and chemical treatments that can damage the hair and inhibit growth.

    1. Protect your hair from environmental stressors, such as sun exposure, wind, and pollution, by wearing a hat or scarf.

    1. Take supplements, such as biotin or collagen, that are known to promote hair growth.

    1. Get enough sleep and manage stress, as stress and lack of sleep can contribute to hair loss and inhibit growth.

    1. Consider using products that promote hair growth, such as hair growth shampoos, oils, and serums.



Remember, healthy hair growth is a long-term process that requires consistent effort and care. By following these tips and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can improve the health and quality of your hair and promote natural hair growth. However, if you notice a sudden increase in hair loss, it’s important to seek medical attention to rule out any underlying health conditions.



360 OPTIMUM HAIR products can be used alone as a Home Treatment option to Strengthen Hair, Reduce Shedding and Increase Density.
Our products contain organic proteins and are sodium laureth sulphate free to ensure the hair and scalp are in the best condition possible for Optimum Hair Growth. Our supplement contains full nutritional support for accelerated Hair Growth and saw palmetto to inhibit DHT and slow down Hair Loss.



We have carefully designed the products with clients in mind so the main front label does not feature the words Hair Loss or Thinning.



I made it my mission to find the most effective ingredients to not only combat hair loss, but also effectively accelerate hair growth, and I believe I have done just that in creating the 360 Optimum Hair products range.



I have used these products to recover from my own hair loss (Telogen Effluvium) and successfully treated 100’s of 360 Hair Clinic’s clients.






In conclusion, the 360 Optimum Hair Cleanse + Repair + Stimulate + Nutrition Bundle is an innovative hair care system that addresses all aspects of hair health, from cleansing and repairing to stimulating growth and providing nutrition. By incorporating natural ingredients, follow directions and avoiding harsh chemicals, this bundle is suitable for all hair types and can help transform your hair from dry and lifeless to soft, shiny, and healthy. Along with the hair care tips mentioned above, the 360 Optimum Hair Cleanse + Repair + Stimulate + Nutrition Bundle can be an effective solution to promote natural hair growth with the key ingredient, vitamin e, t protects hair from frizzy hair and maintain the overall health and quality of your hair. Remember, healthy hair growth is a long-term process that requires consistency and patience, and with the right care and products, you can achieve the appearance of beautiful, healthy hair you deserve.